Erin – Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Some of my friends, who also happen to have intersex conditions, have agreed to short interviews. Today, we welcome Erin, who has Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.

Thank you so much for being here, Erin. Would you tell us a little about yourself?

I am 29 years old and I am currently finishing up a degree in public health.

How and when were you told your diagnosis?

I was sixteen and had not had my period. I went to a series of doctors and was called in to meet with my pediatrician who broke the news to my parents and myself. I knew something was wrong when I walked into the room and my doctor started to cry before I even sat down. I asked her if I was going to die and she said “oh no”, then asked her if I was going to be able to have a child and she started crying again. I walked out and drove myself back to school. I was 20 before I fully understood what I had (CAIS). I was 27 before I began to accept it.

Can you explain a little about your condition?

I have CAIS. I developed externally like any other girl. I have curves and breasts and feminine features and I have female genitalia that looks like any other woman’s. However internally I had no cervix, uterus or ovaries, instead I had internal testes. Some of the benefits in my personal case are that I have very little body hair. I don’t even need to shave under my arms. My armpits are totally hairless and I don’t really have body odor and I have never had pimples or broken out. I do know that two of my maternal grandmothers sisters were unable to have children. The eldest sadly committed suicide before I was born and as for the other sister we decided it was best not to open up this can of worms to an unsuspecting eighty-year-old woman.

What do you like the most and the least about having a difference of sexual development (DSD)?

I think it has made me more compassionate to anyone who does not fit a societal mold. I obviously dislike not having the option to have a biological child. I also have a really hard time with all of the misinformation and ignorance that surrounds Disorders of Sexual Development, my eyes have been opened to what types of stereotypes I might be buying into. I have learned to always have my eyes wide open and always be mindful of people’s feelings.

How has it affected your relationships?

The short answer is I have never disclosed to anyone. The only people that know are my parents and my sister. However, I know that my sister has told her boyfriends over the years. The long answer would need to be discussed with a glass of wine and I am all out.

Has it affected your religious views?

Wow. This is a very interesting question that I feel is perhaps even more personal than talking about my physical development. I grew up going to church and I attended Catholic school and my mother is very active in the church. I am an atheist and I tend to think I would be regardless of having CAIS. I can see how some people might have issues after getting their diagnosis. I know my mom had a crisis of faith after I was diagnosed but I think in the end she feels she has become stronger in her faith.

What’s the one thing you’d most like people to know about you?

I am a woman that just faces a different set of challenges than the average person.

Thanks, Erin.

1 thought on “Erin – Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

  1. Hello,

    My Name is Katherine and i was also born with this condition.

    Im 21 years old, and discover my condition on my mid 16. I had my surgery done last year in November and so far everything has gone well.

    Ive been taking hormones ever since the surgery and my i believe its working fine. Havent gone back to the doctor because of financial issues.

    As per letting the world know, a lot of people know about my condition and they are very supportive and comprehensive. I was surprised that none of these people bullied at me or saw me all weird. I believe that we have entered to a new generation and people are becoming more knowledgable about issues like this.

    I really the last response of ‘I am a woman that just faces a different set of challenges than the average person.” It relates to me so much because i had faced a lot of challenges whether it was caused by my condition or life itself.

    Keep moving on =D

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