When Male And Female Isn’t Enough






Megan DeFranza’s PhD Thesis, Intersex and Imago: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in Postmodern Theological Anthropology, dealt with some aspects of how the Christian Church has viewed intersex.

The Wild Goose Festival advertises itself as

“We are called to embody a different kind of religious expression than has often dominated our institutions and culture.  We believe that the best criticism of the bad is the practice of the better; so we refuse to merely denounce the shadow of the tradition and abandon it. Instead, we humbly seek to both tear down and build up, walking a path that embodies love of God, neighbor, and self.”

Megan will be speaking on “When Male And Female Isn’t Enough,” and she was gracious enough to invite me along to talk about my experience as a Christian with an intersex condition.

If you’re in the area, drop by and say hello!